The Autistic P-Oh!-Ethics is a manifesto and a necessarity. It is a neuromixed investigation of what collectivity might be – a collectivity running through histories and text(ure)s. The Autistic Poethics is Oh! Ethics. The Autistic Poetics use the Oh! as a mode to get to the Ethics. It is a caring for the inanimate animate. It is a caring for words. It is the essayistic stylistics filtered through the monotropic language obsession. We cannot care for you if we do not care for your words. Write, write, write. Flower.
Through the form of poetry, recorded reading, and meta-text, this article examines autistic, neurodivergent and neuromixed approached to reading and writing. That includes ethical aspects of being, reading and writing in the world, violence and counteractions, play and performance.
The Autistic P-Oh!-Ethics is a manifesto and a necessity. It is a neuromixed investigation of what collectivity might be – a collectivity running through histories and text(ure)s. Melanie Yergeau writes:
I believe in the potentialities of autistic stories and gestures, of neuroqueering what we’ve come to understand as language and being. I believe that autistic rhetorics complicate what we traditionally hold dear across a plurality of fields.[1]
To be autistic is to be neuroqueer, and to be neuroqueer is to be idealizing, desiring, sidling.[2]
We are queer. Not necessarily through sexuality but through textuality. We use the words. As poets. This is an a(r/u)tistic writing practice. Being together in the text is the most intimate thing (we can manage). “To write,” Marguerite Duras remarked, “is also not to speak. It is to keep silent. It is to howl noiselessly.” We write because we do not speak. I like you as a person, but I love you as a text.
Julia Miele Rhodas writes:
Autistic Disturbances is about autistic voice, words and speaking, autistic text, autistic writing; structure, tone, inflection, and echoes; it is about iteration and pattern, invention and constructions of silence; it is about language that is unexpected, outspoken, rich, florid, nondialogic. Queer language. Both unruly and prescriptive. It is the language of the everyday, but it is not ordinary language.[3]
The Autistic Poethics is Oh! Ethics. The Autistic Poetics use the Oh! as a mode to get to the Ethics. It is a caring for the inanimate animate. It is a caring for words. It is the essayistic stylistics filtered through the monotropic language obsession. We cannot care for you if we do not care for your words. Write, write, write. Flower.
- Yergeau, Melanie. Authoring Autism. On Rethoric and Neurological Queerness. Duke University Press. 2018, 5. ↑
- Ibid, 18. ↑
- Duras, Marguerite. Att skriva. Translated to Swedish by Kennet Klemets. Lund: Ellerströms. 2019 [1993]. p. 25. ↑