
Anna Hydén

Anna Hydén works with participatory and pedagogical processes within the expanded field of design. She studied at the Child Culture Design Masters programme at HDK, The Academy of Art and Design, The University of Gothenburg and has since worked for the city of Gothenburg with city planning, dialogue and co-design. Anna is currently a project manager at Röhsska museum, developing design pedagogical methods together with children and youth.


Onkar Kular

Onkar Kular is Professor of Design and Programme coordinator for PLACE (Public Life, Arts, Critical Engagement), Artistic Faculty, University of Gothenburg. His research is disseminated internationally through exhibitions, education and publications. He has guest-curated exhibitions for The Citizens Archive of Pakistan, Karachi and Crafts Council, UK. He was Stanley Picker Fellow 2016, Artistic Director of Gothenburg Design Festival 2017 and Co-Director of Luleå Art Biennial 2022.


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