Henric Benesch
Henric Benesch (1972) is an architect, educator and researcher, based in Gothenburg, Sweden, whose work explores intersections between critical spatial practice, institution building and critical heritage. Ongoing inquiries Curating the City (together with Ingrid Martins Holmberg, Clare Melhuish and Dean Sully), addressing environmental and cultural heritage dilemmas posed over time in built environment; The Right to Design (together with Onkar Kular), rethinking design education and design learning within and beyond its institutional and professional setting, in relation to “rights” and as a form of readership, as a mean to foster and claim more sustainable ways of life.
Currently, he is a Senior Lecturer at HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design at the University of Gothenburg as well as co-coordinator for the Curating the City research platform within the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies (CCHS), and since September 2019 – the Pro-Dean at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts at the University of Gothenburg. Recent work includes PARSE ISSUE on Management (2017) as editor, and a Special Issue of Co-Design – Co-Design and the Public Realm (2017) as editor and author. Upcoming work, as editor and author, includes “Co-curating the city: universities and urban heritage past and future” at UCL Press in 2021.