Juan Albarrán

Juan Albarrán holds a PhD in Art History from the University of Salamanca. He is an assistant professor at the History and Theory of Art Department, Autonomous University of Madrid (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, UAM). His research and teaching focus on contemporary art practices and theories. Specific research topics include the relationships between art and politics in Spain since the transition to democracy, performance art, photography theories, and the representation of violence in contemporary visual culture. He is the author of Disputas sobre lo contemporáneo. Arte español entre el antifranquismo y la postmodernidad (2019) and Performance y arte contemporáneo. Discursos, prácticas, problemas (2019), and he has edited the books Arte y Transición (2012, 2018), Llámalo Performance: Historia, disciplina y recepción (2015), and Miguel Trillo. Double Exposure (2017).