Patrizia Costantin

Patrizia Costantin is a research curator whose work investigates the curatorial as a site for knowledge production and socio-political intervention, contemporaneity, and non-hierarchical models for curatorial research. She completed her PhD in Curatorial Practice at the Postgraduate Arts and Humanities Centre (Manchester Metropolitan University) in May 2019. Her thesis, machines will watch us die: a curatorial study on the contemporaneity of digital decay, contextualised and reflected upon the research exhibition machines will watch us die, which explored digital decay after the material turn in media studies. It focused on exploring the impact of digital materialities on culture and the environment. Her research methodology is based on an interdisciplinary, relational and post-medium approach to the curatorial. She is currently Lecturer in Curating in the Master’s Degree Programme in Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art at Aalto University, Finland.