Solmaz Collective
The Solmaz Collective is a artistic research group comprising:
Helen Eriksen is an artist research investigating aesthetic decision making in post colonial art practices at the University of Agder for her phd. She studied at the National Academy of Fine Art, Oslo, and as a researcher for art in public space at the Oslo School of Architecture. Eriksen is a founder member of, curator, and project developer for Tenthaus. As an artist/educator, she focuses on the emancipatory and utopian potentialities within participatory art making. She also works with Germain Ngoma in Europe and Scandinavia.
Gry O. Ulrichsen studied at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Norwegian University of Science and Technology where she is currently a PhD research associate. She explores productive entanglements between new materialisms and postcolonialisms and how they present through collaborative, participatory and socially engaged practices in the fields of art and education. Gry has published articles in journals such as InFormation and JASED and presented at Rethinking Nordic Colonialism in Nuuk, LARM festival in Stockholm, Fritt Forum in Gothenburg, Manifesta 4/Research room in Frankfurt, Lofoten Internasjonal Artfestival, Fotogalleriet and Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo, NRK ULYD and Svensk radio SRC.
Dr. Zahra Bayati is a senior lecturer in education science and advanced study programme for higher education art teachers, and gender studies at Gothenburg University. She has lectured extensively, contributing at Nordic universities and international conferences. Her thesis The Other in Teacher Education – A study of the racialized Swedish Student Conditions in the Epoch of Globalisation (2014) has been the focus of her most recent lectures, contextualizing it in discussions of anti-racism, feminism, socio-economic relations and environmental issues. She has been a guest speaker at Swedish networks of Somalian academics, Feminist Forum and Feminist Research Network as well student unions focusing on how to address challenges of change in