Amina Ejaz
Amina Ejaz is a Doctoral student at the University of Victoria in the Department of Art History and Visual Studies, Canada with a concentration on contemporary Pakistani Art History. She has diversified research interests, which revolve around postcolonial theory, decolonization, activism, and feminism in Pakistan. Her upcoming publication is a contribution to a book on the anthology of Visual Activism, being published by Sheffield Hallam University. She has completed Masters from the University of Edinburgh, UK. Her Postgraduate thesis, was an analysis on the reception of Pakistani contemporary artists in the West using Postcolonial studies and Translation studies as a tool to decode and de-layer the writings of Western art critics about South Asian artists. She joined the National College of Arts, Lahore as an Assistant Professor in the Cultural Studies Department in 2015, where she has taught Art History courses to Undergraduate students. In addition she also taught courses on South Asian Visual Culture to MPhil students enrolled in the Cultural Studies Program.