Erin Cory

Erin Cory is a media scholar committed to arts-oriented activist media praxis, and Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication Studies at Malmö University. She has taught and researched in the US/Mexico border region, Denmark, Sweden, and Lebanon, and earned her PhD in Communication from the University of California, San Diego (2015). Since then, her research has included a postdoc in Media Studies and Refugee Migration; a transmedia storytelling project funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond; and a workshop series with Konstkupan Malmö and the surrounding community, leading to the production of a podcast called Picturing Home. She is currently partnering with The Cultural Avenue Uganda to carry out a digital storytelling project for refugee and host communities, funded by Svenska Institutet’s Creative Force Initiative, and is publishing work on podcasting as a community-building and research practice.