Hannah Newell

Hannah Newell is based in London, UK, and currently heads up the Editorial Team at independent arts publisher, Black Dog Publishing. She graduated from the Critical Writing in Art and Design MA programme at the Royal College of Art, London in 2014 where her research interests included the relationship of the arts to the concept of ”work”, D.I.Y culture, the development of cultural policy and the ongoing debate surrounding ”cultural value” in relation to the ethos of arts organisations and artists as organisers. Examples of her written work and ongoing research can be found at https://newellposts.wordpress.com. Hannah has previously been published in JAWS: Journal of Art Writing by Students, T-R-E-M-O-R-S magazine, New Wolf magazine and Allotrope Editions and has written for T-R-E-M-O-R-S Live, Bellyflop Magazine and this is tomorrow. She has BA in Fine Art from Chelsea College of Art.

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