Henk Slager

Research and visual art have been the focus of many activities developed by Henk Slager over the last ten years. As professor of artistic research he has made significant contributions to the debate on the role of research in visual art and as Dean of the Utrecht Graduate School of Visual Art and Design (MaHKU) he has contributed to the launching of productions such as the yearly Dutch Artistic Research Event (DARE) and the publication of the biannual MaHKUzine: Journal of Artistic Research. In 2005, Henk Slager, together with Jan Kaila and Gertrud Sandqvist, initiated the European Artistic Research Network (EARN), a network investigating the consequences of artistic research for current art education in symposia, expert meetings, and presentations. Departing from a similar focus on artistic research, he has also produced various curatorial projects, the most recent being The Judgment is the Mirror (Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, 2013) and Joyful Wisdom (Parallel Event Istanbul Biennial, 2013).