Katrin Solhdju
Katrin Solhdju is a permanent researcher at the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) at the department for Sociology and Anthropology of the Université de Mons. Her research focuses on the history, philosophy and social implications of the life sciences. She is a member of the Groupe d’Études Constructivistes (GECO) at the Free University of Brussels, and a co-founder of the collective Dingdingdong, an institute for the co-production of knowledge about Huntington’s Disease. Since its inception, she has taught the main theory class of the Master’s programme “Narration Spéculative” at the École de Recherche Graphique, Brussels. She has published two books, L’Épreuve du savoir. Propositions pour une écologie du diagnostic (2015, to appear in German in 2017) and Selbstexperimente (2011). She has also written numerous articles on the history and philosophy of scientific and clinical practices and their epistemologies, and edited volumes on the practice of self-experimentation (Introspective Self-Rapports), the New Patrons (Faire art comme on fait société), and the moving frontiers between the living and the dead (Das Leben vom Tode her).