Malin Axelsson

Malin Axelsson, artistic director of Swedish Radio Drama.

She is a playwright, author and director living in Stockholm. She was previously the artistic director of ung scen/öst (2009-2015). Malin graduated from the Swedish University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre in 2002. Selected works include ”Parmiddagen” (“The Dinner Party”, radio drama series, showrunner and director, 2016), ”Anropa” (novel, 2015), “Rose Rose Rose” (co-author and director, 2014), and “Jösses flickor – Återkomsten” / ”Stålflikkan” (adaptation, manuscript and lyrics, 2006). Malin’s works have been translated into German, French, English, Italian, Romanian and Norwegian. She is the recipient of the Mare Kandre Award (2016) and the Henning Mankell Scholarship (2008).