Sandra Noeth
Dr. Sandra Noeth is a Professor at the HZT-Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin, and an international curator. She specialises in ethical and political perspectives towards body-practice and theory. In various transdisciplinary projects and collaborations, she engages with bodies under structural violence and the potential of artistic practice and aesthetic experience to raise awareness and build agency for the systemic non/representation of some bodies, see Violence of Inscriptions, with A. Zaides, 2016–18, HAU Hebbel am Ufer; What does it take to cross a border?, IfA gallery Berlin, 2018; Hållning— a body-based platform for collective learning, MDT Stockholm, 2021. Her current research focuses on questions of bodily integrity and the unequal politics of protection and security of bodies, see Bodies, un-protected, 2021–22, with Mousonturm, Frankfurt. She wrote and co-edited several books on the topic such as Breathe. Critical Investigations into the Inequalities of Life (due 2023, edited with J. Janša); Bodies of Evidence: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Politics of Movement (2018, with G. Ertem); and Resilient Bodies, Residual Effects: Artistic Articulations of Borders and Collectivity in Lebanon and Palestine (2019). In 2009–14, Sandra acted as the Head of Dramaturgy and Research at Tanzquartier in Vienna. As an educator, she works regularly with DOCH/Stockholm University of the Arts (where she has been Senior Lecturer since 2012), Ashkal Alwan HWP-program (where she was Resident Professor 2015–16).