Tracy Mackenna
Tracy Mackenna (SCO-IT) is an artist and educator, and Professor Emerita. She is Co-Curator of The Museum of Loss and Renewal, an art project that offers space and contexts for making and sharing. The Museum is a growing collection of experiences that are regularly shared through the activities of its curators, partners and residents. In her individual practice and research Tracy employs drawing and writing as dialogical processes to activate playful, provocative and non-linear properties of language, giving new and refreshed voice to collaborators and subject-matters. Extensive periods have been spent living and working in Hungary, Romania, France, the Netherlands and Italy making art, and establishing artist-led organisations. She is a founding-Director of Glasgow Sculpture Studios, an Academician of the Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture and holds the Personal Chair of Contemporary Art Practice at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, University of Dundee.