Fri 28 Jan 2022

Exhibitionary Acts of Political Imagination

X-Library, Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg & Online


Cătălin GheorgheCarolina RitoMick Wilson

”Past Disquiet”, Sursock Museum, Beirut, July 27 – October 1, 2018. Photo: Christopher Baaklini

Date: Friday 28 January 2022
Time: 16.15 – 17.15 CET
Place: X-Library, Valand Academy
Address: Vasagatan 50, 411 22 Göteborg
Language: English

The event will be hosted at Valand and broadcast online. Zoom link below

PARSE is pleased to announce the launch of the book Exhibitionary Acts of Political Imagination realized in partnership with the ‘Vector – critical research in context’ series, with the support of “George Enescu” National University of the Arts in Iasi. This bilingual edition (English and Romanian) builds upon PARSE Issue 13 On the Question of Exhibition by focusing on the question of exhibition and operations in the space of the political imaginary. This volume seeks to add to the current wide range of scholarship, critique and curatorial experimentation that considers the affordances of exhibition. Political imagination refers to both the general operations of imagination in the realm of the political, and also the specific technical concept of the political imaginary.

Editors: Cătălin Gheorghe and Mick Wilson

Authors: Nick Aikens, Bassam El Baroni, Cosmin Costinaș, Galit Eilat, Vasıf Kortun & Merve Elveren, Maria Lactans, Carolina Rito, Marco Scotini, Simon Sheikh.

The book is co-published by Artes Publishing House (UNAGE Iasi) and ArtMonitor (University of Gothenburg), and co-financed by the Administration of National Cultural Fund in Romania.*  184 pages, ISBN 978-606-547-238-9 (Editura Artes), ISBN (print): 978-91-985172-0-0 and ISBN (pdf): 978-91-985172-1-7 (ArtMonitor), 2021

“Vector – critical research in context” is an experimental publication [intentionally left undefined] based on an open editorial concept, alternatively applied as “a book of artistic/curatorial research”, “a catalogue of critical art”, “an experimental artist’s edition”, “a critical reader”.

*This book does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN).

Schedule for the event (CET time):
16.15-16.25 Welcome and Introduction from Mick Wilson, PARSE journal
16.25-16.40 Short outline of editorial invite from Cătălin Gheorghe, Vector
16.40-16.50 Carolina Rito response on how they responded to the invite
16.50-17.15 Conversation and Q&A with audience


All welcome!

Join the event on zoom here

The event will also be live streamed through PARSE’s YouTube channel


Cătălin Gheorghe

Cătălin Gheorghe is a theoretician, curator, and editor living in Iași (Romania), but travelling mostly in the deep non-spherical space of the Internet. As Associate Professor, he teaches Theories and Practices of Artistic Research, Curatorial Studies and Practices, and Applicative Visual Studies at “George Enescu” National University of the Arts in Iași. He is the editor of Vector – critical research in context publication series (that participated to documenta12magazine in Kassel), editing the books: “After the educational turn” (2017), “Post-photography” (2015), “Critical Theories and Creative Practices of Research” (2014), “Exhibiting the ‘Former East’: Identity Politics and Curatorial Practices after 1989” (2013) “Exhibition as [micro]city” (2011). In 2021 he is co-editing, with Mick Wilson, the reader “Exhibitionary Acts of Political Imagination”. He is also the curator of Vector – studio for art practices and debates (since 2007), which is a platform for critical research and art production based on the understanding of art as experimental journalism. He held curatorial talks to a series of art schools and institutions in Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern Europe. His explorational interests are elaborated around critical artistic research, curatorial critical practices, art as experimental journalism, contemporary art (political) theories, xeno-spaces, xeno-practices, trans(ex)positions, post-capitalism […]


Carolina Rito

Carolina Rito is Professor of Creative Practice Research, at the Research Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities (CAMC), at Coventry University; and leads on the centre’s Critical Practices research strand. She is a researcher and curator whose work explores ‘the curatorial’ as an investigative practice, expanding practice-based research in the fields of curating, visual arts, visual cultures and cultural studies. Rito is the co-editor of Institution as Praxis – New Curatorial Directions for Collaborative Research (Sternberg, 2020), Architectures of Education (e-flux Architecture, 2020), and FABRICATING PUBLICS: the dissemination of culture in the post-truth era (Open Humanities Press, forthcoming). Rito is editor of “On Translations” (2018) and “Critical Pedagogies” (2019) issues (The Contemporary Journal). From 2017 to 2019, she was Head of Public Programmes and Research at Nottingham Contemporary, leading the institution’s research strategy with Nottingham Trent University and University of Nottingham.


Mick Wilson

Mick Wilson is an artist, educator and researcher based in Gothenburg and Dublin, and is currently Professor of Art at Hdk-Valand, University of Gothenburg. He was previously a Fellow at BAK, basis voor aktuele kunst, Utrecht, the Netherlands (2018/2019); Head of Valand Academy (2012-2018); Editor-in-chief PARSE Journal for Artistic Research (2015-2017); and founder Dean of the Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media, Ireland–GradCAM– (2008–2012).  Co-edited volumes include: Curating After the Global (MIT Press, 2019) with P. O’Neill, L. Steeds and S. Sheikh; Public Enquiries: PARK LEK and the Scandinavian Social Turn (BDP, 2018) with G. Zachia et al; How Institutions Think (MIT Press, 2017) and The Curatorial Conundrum (MIT Press, 2016) both with P. O’Neill and L. Steeds; Curating Research, Open Editions/De Appel (2014); Curating and the Educational Turn, Open Editions/De Appel (2010) both with P. O’Neill; and SHARE Handbook for Artistic Research Education, ELIA (2013) with S. van Ruiten.

Current research interests include questions of: political community with the dead; the political imaginaries of foodways; political imaginaries within curatorial practice / exhibitionary forms; and rhetorical form / method discourse in processes of knowledge conflict. Recent / forthcoming essays include: “White Mythologies and Epistemic Refusals: Teaching Artistic Research Through Institutional Conflict”, in R. Mateus-Berr & R. Jochum (eds.) Teaching Artistic Research, De Gruyter, 2020; “Living the Coming Death”, in M. Hlavajova and W. Maas (eds.) BASICS #1: Propositions for Non-Fascist Living, Tentative and Urgent, MIT Press, 2019; and “What Is to Be Done? Negations in the Political Imaginary of the Interregnum”, S. H. Madoff (ed.) What about Activism? Sternberg Press, 2019.


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