Sat 25 Jan 2025

Migrations and Heritage, Institutions and Social Justice

Welcome to a PARSE Dialogue with screening of the film Same Time Next Day, by Emily Fahlén and Ahmet Ögüt. We have invited Alessandro Petti, Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper and the filmmaker Emily Fahlén to a dialogue and an open discussion about the film and on the subject of migration and heritage, institutions and social justice.

Refreshments will be served. Open to the public, no sign up required. The dialogue will be in English. More info at the University of Gothenburg web.

This dialogue is organised as part of Night School HDK and Open Week, Gothenburg Design Festival 2017 by PARSE in collaboration with the Centre on Global Migration and the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies at Gothenburg University.


Alessandro Petti, Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper and Emily Fahlén will begin the dialogue with short presentations followed by a screening of the film Same Time Next Day, by Emily Fahlén and Ahmet Ögüt, 2016. After the screening an open discussion will be moderated by participants of PARSE, Centre on Global Migration and Centre for Critical Heritage Studies.

We will address questions about how the relation between life as such and social, cultural, political and economic barriers as produced by educational and heritage institutions, can be challenged. From the outside, through civil counter-actions and independent self-organised practices. But also from within, by more radical and inclusive forms of institutional practice seeking to decolonize the institutions, promoting a wider definition of social justice including nationals and non-nationals alike.

The dialogue will focus on what can be done with inclusionary practices and how institutions of knowledge can support, befriend, embrace, organise, converse and ultimately act.

Invited speakers

Emily Fahlén, Stockholm, works as a mediator and producer at Tensta konsthall, a centre for contemporary art in the Stockholm suburb of Tensta. With collaboration as a core value and method she manages both local and international art projects, working in the borderland between the organizational, curatorial and pedagogical. Since 2013 she is the coordinator for The Silent University Stockholm; an autonomous knowledge platform by refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.

Alessandro Petti, has spent the last decade developing an artistic, architectural and research practice, from Palestine, that is both theoretically ambitious and practically engaged in the struggle for justice and equality. He co-founded Campus in Camps with Sandi Hilal, an experimental educational program hosted in Dheisheh Refugee Camp in Bethlehem. In 2007, with Hilal and Eyal Weizman he co-founded Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency (DAAR) in Beit Sahour, Palestine, with the aim to combine an architectural studio and an art residency able to bring together architects, artists, activists, urbanists, film-makers, and curators to work collectively on the subjects of politics and architecture.

Professor Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper, TU Berlin, holder of the 2017 2017 Humboldt Stipend Swedish-German Programme Research Awards for Scientific Cooperation, and hosted by the research cluster Curating the City within the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies & the Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg. Prof. Dolff-Bonekämper has a long-term presence in the international and in particular central European research debate on heritage and urban heritage, and has also a unique background in a combination of theory with impressive practice. For fifteen years she had a lead position at the Landesdenkmalamt in Berlin with responsibility for the extensive heritage documentation and preservation of the city of Berlin after the demolition of the wall. Since 2005 she holds a professorship in Denkmalpflege at the Institute for urban and regional planning at the Technical university of Berlin, and has since then developed the area of expertise Denkmalpflege into a unique and significant multidisciplinary research environment with extensive teaching assignments.

About Tensta museum

Tensta museum an ongoing research project about history and memory in Tensta, both in relation to the place and to the people who live and work there. Since 2013 Some fifty artists, architects, local associations, performers, sociologists, cultural geographers, philosophers, and other practitioners have addressed the past as well as the future in artworks, research projects, seminars, and guided walks. And it is through this that they simultaneously report on the condition of Tensta today as a concrete image of what can be described as the New Sweden ¿ a Sweden that must be understood very differently from how it was several decades ago. This is a Sweden containing people of vastly different backgrounds, where economic and social divides are intensifying.

About Night School HDK

An evening school hosting educational classes, workshops and events on a non-fee open-to-all basis. Taken together, the activities of Night School HDK aspire to explore new ideas about teaching and learning and what forms of communal life it may begin to make possible within the context of the University. Classes range from the vocational to the theoretical to the sub-alternative and are hosted by HDK faculty, students, alumni and external academic and non-academic guests through an open call. The Night School HDK is piloted during the Open Week, Gothenburg Design Festival 2017 and beyond will continue to act as an educational platform for students and researchers as well as experimental pedagogies from inside and outside of the University.