Wed 24 Apr 2024
Seminar 1
The Glasshouse, HDK-Valand, Vasagatan 50.
The seminar will explore key ideas related to value imaginaries. Specifically, it examines the intersection of value imaginaries and globalisation in contemporary art and design. The focus is on tensions that arise between speculation and material reality when aesthetics, labour and everyday life are articulated where global and local processes intertwine. The project thus starts from the contemporary notion that we live in a global village, economically and aesthetically, and this has fundamentally changed the understanding of art, economy and subject creation, while old value hierarchies remain.
The seminar consists of three talks exploring value imaginaries in an unequal world of coeval coexistence. Costas Lapavistas and Dave Beech will discuss value imaginaries related to art and labour, Jordanna Matlon and Erling Björgvinsson will discuss how cultural and economic expression is conditioned and resisted within racist capitalist imaginaries and Elena Raviola will discuss how socio-technical imaginaries of value and aesthetics intersect in digital infrastructures.
The format and the speakers
The seminar is organized in three dialogues, inquiring into imaginaries of values in the uneven system of global “coeval coexistence”, in which they are produced aesthetically and economically and whose aesthetics and economics they produce.
Dialogue 1 – Art, work and imaginaries of value
Costas Lapavistas and Dave Beech will discuss imaginaries of value related to art and work.
Dialogue 2 – Racial Capitalism and Cultural Expression
Jordanna Matlon and Erling Björgvinson will engage in a dialogue on the relationship between racial capitalism, gender and popular culture. Matlon’s research probes how “Blackness” operates as a signifier, intersects with gender norms, manifests in popular culture, and illuminates our understanding of political economy in urban Africa and the African diaspora. She uses history and ethnography to theorize racial capitalism and the political economy of patriarchy in the production of Black masculinity. Björgvinsson is currently working on preparatory work related to the service industry and campaigns geared at young adults and their reproductive health and future gains in Ghana. He is interested in how the design company IDEO, Marie Stopes Kenya, and Marie Stopes International, who developed the service and campaign, activate imaginaries related to the political economy and gender are shaped by Western humanitarianism, humanitarian design, and racial capitalism.
Dialogue 3 – Digitally valuating: Art, scarcity and NFTs
Elena Raviola and Valeria Ferrari will discuss how sociotechnical imaginaries value and aesthetics intersect in new digital infrastructures, like NFTs. Ann Ighe will respond to the dialogues and moderate a final discussion, closing the seminar.
Costas Lapavistas & Dave Beech
Jordanna Matlon & Erling Björvingsson
Valeria Ferrari & Elena Raviola
Moderator: Ann Ighe