Thu 20–Fri 21 Apr 2023

Talk “From Independent to Intersectional Publishing”

Ruhr University Bochum (DE)


Eva Weinmayr

Talk “From Independent to Intersectional Publishing” at symposium Banal Publishing, Practices, Procedures, Episteme of Digital Self-Publishing in Art, Literature and Science, convened by Elisa Linseisen and Dorothea Walzer

This talk explores the social and political agency of publishing by investigating the micro-politics of making and sharing knowledges from an intersectional feminist perspective. Intersectionality means that oppressions (based in racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, ableism etc.) are interconnected and cannot be examined separately from one another. There has been much discussion of the political agency of the book as a medium, yet it is often assumed that the book’s political potential extends primarily, indeed if not exclusively, in terms of its content. The focus of this inquiry, however, is the potentially radical, political and emancipatory ways and processes by which a publication is made (authored, edited, printed, bound), disseminated (circulated, described, cataloged), and read (used).

Slide from presentation: “From Independent to Intersectional Publishing Strategies” at Banal Publishing, Ruhr University Bochum, 2023


Slide from presentation: “From Independent to Intersectional Publishing Strategies” at Banal Publishing, Ruhr University Bochum, 2023
Slide from presentation: “From Independent to Intersectional Publishing Strategies” at Banal Publishing, Ruhr University Bochum, 2023
Slide from presentation: “From Independent to Intersectional Publishing Strategies” at Banal Publishing, Ruhr University Bochum, 2023



Eva Weinmayr

Eva Weinmayr’s collaborative practice is grounded in contemporary art, radical education and institutional analysis. In 2020 she published her doctoral thesis, titled Noun to Verbon a MediaWiki. This research is concerned with the micropolitics of publishing from an intersectional, feminist perspective. (HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg, SE)

As interims chair of faculty Art and Education at Munich Art Academy (2022-23) she co-initiated together with students kritilab, an open source platform for discrimination-critical teaching in the arts. From 2019 to 22 she co-led the EU-funded collective research and study programme “Teaching to Transgress Toolbox” inspired by US activist, teacher and theorist bell hooks (with erg, Brussels, BE).

As part of Ecologies of Dissemination (HDK-Valand, 2023-24) she is currently Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University (UK). Ecologies of Dissemination​​​​​​, a collaboration with artist Femke Snelting, seeks strategies for dissemination and a politics of re-use that acknowledge the tensions between feminist methodologies, decolonial knowledge practices and principles of Open Access. More specificly, they explore in which way the current drive drive to universal access policies might overlook relational aspects.

Recent artistic research-based projects include “Teaching the Radical Catalog – a Syllabus” (2021-22, with Lucie Kolb), “Library of Inclusions and Omissions” (2016-20), “The Piracy Project” (2010-15, with Andrea Francke), AND Publising (2010-ongoing, with Rosalie Schweiker).
