Mary Tapia’s fashion show at Colmegna gymnasium in Buenos Aires in 1967. Courtesy of Fundación IDA, Fondo Mary Tapia

Editors - Nick AikensKjell CaminhaJyoti MistryMick Wilson

This is the second instalment of the three-part series-issue of PARSE: ‘On the question of exhibition’. This part seeks to further develop the multi-stranded examination of exhibition materialities, discursivities, processes and politics. The following contributions extend the considerations initiated in Part 1, by bridging the world-making and ordering techniques of exhibition–what we might broadly call its onto-epistemological register-with the pragmatic and technical questions of exhibitionary apparatuses, or its operational register. The purpose being not to create a dichotomy but rather to set up a field of tension and interference between different moments of production-analysis. This part offers detailed analyses of individual exhibitions, allowing for an interplay between the specificities of singular instances coupled with a wider angle from which to survey the field. Part 2 contains contributions from Ingrid Cogne Patrizia Costantin, Kris Dittel & Jelena Novak, Catalina Imizcoz, Joey Orr, Barbara Neves Alves, Mateusz Sapija, Vladislav Shapovalov, Sasha Shestakova, and Joshua Simon.

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