The Right to design


Onkar Kular

Henric Benesch

The Right to design is a practice-based platform by Onkar Kular and Henric Benesch. The platform has the dual aim of understanding the entangled historic and contemporary relationship between design and rights and further claiming ‘design’ itself as a special kind of right that is accessible beyond class background, gender, race, age and disability. The platform aims to understand design as a form of readership, whereby ‘design literacy’ can be regarded as a prerequisite for informed and active citizenship which cannot and should not be limited to formal institutional settings. Through a ‘scale 1:1’ approach the platform currently serves as the base for activities such as assemblies, (mis)readings, broadcasting and educational initiatives with partners inside and outside academia.

Content from The Right to design


Bass Cultures, How Low Can You Go!

Fri 3–Sat 4 Nov 2023

Anna GavanasDeng Deng HiFiEric MagassaHenric BeneschOnkar KularPapa DeePaula Cardozo (Paula Maxa)Struck


POSTPONED! Bass Culture, Cities and Underground Histories

Thu 25 May 2023

Henric BeneschOnkar Kular


The Right to design: Another possible is possible (Transcriptions)

Thu 24 Mar 2022

AgencyAnna HydénArjun AppaduraiArturo EscobarChristina ZetterlundElof Hellström/ Mapping the Unjust CityMahmoud KeshavarzNina Valerie KolowratnikThomas Marriott


The Right to design: Another possible is possible

Thu 7 Oct 2021

AgencyAnna HydénArjun AppaduraiArturo EscobarChristina ZetterlundElof Hellström/ Mapping the Unjust CityMahmoud KeshavarzNina Valerie KolowratnikThomas Marriott