Feminist Art: Practices of Co-Existences
Basia SliwinskaMargarida Brito Alves
PARSE journal issue 20 – Feminist Art – attends to artistic practices which enable reciprocal and intra-relational co-existences. Co-learning and physical, affective and material experiencing within diverse contexts and communities are explored with the intention to disrupt hegemonic art historical paradigms. Framed through a feminist ethics of care, the issue explores ways in which artistic practices have the potential to catalyse new ways of building knowledge(s) and the diverse methods and tools employed by art to mobilise alternative ways of learning while unlearning to learn anew. Foregrounding such strategies supports a plurality of perspectives in collaborative dialogue with other partners (human and other-than-human).
Arising from dialogues that first took place at the international symposium Lost & Found, comprising of three events between December 2023 and June 2024 in Lisbon, Warsaw and Riga, this PARSE journal foregrounds a scholarship of care — collaborative research that is, literally and metaphorically, in-touch — through diverse approaches to writing in conversation. The contributions engage with material and spatial relations to unearth forgotten rituals, languages and stories, encouraging us to leave the itineraries to which we have become accustomed and to distance ourselves from a priori discourses that have maintained and generated existing patterns of power and control. Engaging feminist art practice as making and thinking, the contributors to issue 20 explore potentials to foster responsible, response-able and empathetic co-existences towards others generating care for and about a more attentive and inclusive communal belonging.