
Time Conference

Time schedule

Weds Nov 4

14.00: Registration at HSM, Academy of Music & Drama 

15.30: Intro with Professor Staffan Edén, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Gothenburg, PARSE Chair Ingrid Elam and PARSE Project Manager Mina Dennert at HSM Sjöströmsalen.

16.15: Flat Time House screenings (John Latham and various, c. 40 mins) plus discussion with Claire Staunton and John Hill led by Andrea Phillips Sjöströmsalen

18.00: Conversation on Time with Simon Critchley and Bruno Latour plus questions led by Mick Wilson Sjöströmsalen.

19.30: View film, workshop, performance and installation work situated around Main venue, with among others; Zeitraum GöteborgI want to be Mixed Down as a Frequency (Interfaith Confession)For years to comeMASQUERADE, The Answeringmachine during Informal reception with drinks and snacks.


Thurs Nov 5

09:30: 3 Parallel presentations 90 min:

11.00: Recap/summary of Time thematic so far and questions led by Andrea Phillips & PARSE team, Sjöströmsalen

11.30: Screening and discussion of film Medium Earth by The Otolith Group (2013, 41 mins) followed by a presentation by Anjalika Sagar and Joel Sines and discussion with Andrea Phillips Sjöströmsalen

12.30: Lunch

13.30: 4 Parallel presentations 90 min:

15:15: Jalal Toufic talk and discussion led by Kristina Hagström Ståhl Sjöströmsalen

16.15: Coffee

16.45: 4 Parallel presentations 60 min:

18.00: View performance and installation work at A-VenueRight Here and at HSM: Re-activating Elements of Performance ArtZeitraum GöteborgI want to be Mixed Down as a Frequency (Interfaith Confession)For years to come, MASQUERADE, and at Galleri BOX: Flood Seminar, or how a disaster can be synonymous with a turning point

19.30: Gothenburg City Reception with food and drinks at the Valand Restaurant.


Fri Nov 6:

10:00: 3 Parallel presentations 90 min:

11.30: Recap/summary of Time thematic so far and questions led by Andrea Phillips & PARSE team, Sjöströmsalen

12.00: Discuss Masquerade by Vermeir & Hieremans (2015, c. 55mins) led by Dave Beech Sjöströmsalen

13.00: Lunch

14.00: Simonetta Carbonaro talk and discussion led by Lisbeth Svengren-Holm Sjöströmsalen

15.00: Screen and discuss new film La confesión by Coco Fusco (2015, 45 mins) led by Erling BjörgvinssonSjöströmsalen

16.00: Coffee

16.30: 3 Parallel presentations 60 min:

17.45: Summary with PARSE team, Sjöströmsalen

19.30-23.30: Conference Dinner at Gamla Hovrätten Olof Wijksgatan 6 (the building next by HSM)