Cătălin Gheorghe
Cătălin Gheorghe is a theoretician, curator, and editor living in Iași (Romania), but travelling mostly in the deep non-spherical space of the Internet. As Associate Professor, he teaches Theories and Practices of Artistic Research, Curatorial Studies and Practices, and Applicative Visual Studies at “George Enescu” National University of the Arts in Iași. He is the editor of Vector – critical research in context publication series (that participated to documenta12magazine in Kassel), editing the books: “After the educational turn” (2017), “Post-photography” (2015), “Critical Theories and Creative Practices of Research” (2014), “Exhibiting the ‘Former East’: Identity Politics and Curatorial Practices after 1989” (2013) “Exhibition as [micro]city” (2011). In 2021 he is co-editing, with Mick Wilson, the reader “Exhibitionary Acts of Political Imagination”. He is also the curator of Vector – studio for art practices and debates (since 2007), which is a platform for critical research and art production based on the understanding of art as experimental journalism. He held curatorial talks to a series of art schools and institutions in Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern Europe. His explorational interests are elaborated around critical artistic research, curatorial critical practices, art as experimental journalism, contemporary art (political) theories, xeno-spaces, xeno-practices, trans(ex)positions, post-capitalism […]