Stacey Sacks

Stacey Sacks is an actor/writer/director/researcher/clown and current PhD candidate in Performative and Mediated practices at Stockholm University of the Arts. Born in Zimbabwe, Sacks studied Performance and Social Anthropology at the University of Cape Town and completed the MA program ‘A Year of Physical Comedy’ at the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Art in 2012. Sacks is the author, together with Nalle Laanela, of The Clown Manifesto (Oberon Books, 2015). 

Through a constellation of clowters (clowns/characters) the research project (de)composes intra-cultural, auto-ethnographic excavations and vivisections of Whiteness. It explores haunting intersections of history whilst performing, animating and satirising questions of W(w)hiteness, privilege and colonial logic. Through a series of trans-disciplinary corporeal, material and technological experiments the project draws on queer aesthetics of uncertainty and productive failure.